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Felicitari Fundatiei Casa Perlei care le da acestor oameni din cartierul Malin o raza de lumina in viata lor si mai ales copiilor care au ce invata si ei acum, ptr ca au nevoie cu adevarat, ca altfel numai Dumnezeu stie ce se alege de ei ,Bunicii mei au trait acolo si in vacantele mele mergeam la ei, nu era asa cum este acum si sincer acum nici nu am mai fost daca bunicii mei nu mai traiesc, mai am verisori acolo si spre surprinderea mea am vazut o poza aici cu una din verisoare.
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Casa Perla Foundation » meditation moments

meditation moments

An Indian-American boy was talking with his grandfather. ”What do you think about the world’s situation?” he asked. Grandpa answered :” I feel as if I have two wolves fighting within me. One of them is full on anger and hatred. The other one is full of love and forgiveness.” “And which one of them shall win?” asked the boy. ”The one I feed” answered Grandpa.

“Each person deserves respect and each person has qualities to be respected”.

I saw in the street a naked, hungered and frozen child. I angrily shouted at God -“Why do you allow it? Why don’t you do anything?” God didn’t answer to me. The same night, when less expecting, He answered to me: -“But I did something: I created you”.

“He who is polite shall have friends, and he who is kind shall have love”.

“Be careful with your thoughts, for they will turn into deeds ; be careful with your sayings for they will turn into deeds, be careful with your deeds for they will become habits, be careful with your habits for they will make you as a person... be careful with you for you’ll influence your own life, be careful with your life for it will influences the other’s.”

“He who tries to do something and does not succeed is far better than the one who tries to do nothing and succeeds”.

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